Mobile Wayfinding Touch Software Native Mobile Web App Add-On for iPhone, iPad and Andorid
Wayfinding software has become the method of choice for hospitals, universities, trade shows, corporate buildings and other businesses to deliver step by step directions via a touch screen interface. Wayfinding software can also include other beneficial interactive information including business directories, local business information, weather forecast widgets, digital signage, advertising and more. The addition of a mobile wayfinding option enhances the user experience and makes the app more flexible. Giving users access to your wayfinding app from their mobile device is the “Next Level” in modern touch screen wayfinding.
The Mobile Wayfinding add-on by Next Level Touch enhances the existing Wayfinding Software to enable all iPhone, iPad and Android devices to interact with the wayfinding map from their mobile device.
Making the wayfinding application portable has a tremendous increase of user experience and it makes the entire application portable for them as they navigate the hospital, university, trade show or other business wayfinding app. Wayfinding is definitely the easiest way for users to navigate around a large building or area.

Mobile wayfinding with QR codes and SMS
The best way to deliver mobile wayfinding to your customers is by offering a QR code and SMS text option to view the mobile wayfinding application on their device. Next Level Touch integrates both QR codes and SMS text options that include detailed analytics about user interaction. After a user scans the QR code for their device they have access to a scaled down version of the same wayfinding application that is on the larger touch screen. The mobile version has touch, drag and zoom features and is very easy to use.
Wayfinding and Mobile wayfinding is a must for many types of businesses. Next Level Touch offers solutions for Hospital Wayfinding, University Wayfinding, Trade Show Wayfinding, Corporate Office Wayfinding and more. Click here to learn more about Wayfinding and Mobile Wayfinding.